After graduating from the University of Maryland, Ben Pfinsgraff was drafted by the Phillies and spent three years with the organization before joining a hedge fund, getting his MBA at Darden School and then working as an investment banker at Deutsche Bank. In 2015 he co-founded Common House in Charlottesville as a contemporary social club—not a country club and not a website—built to meet the desire among the swelling Southern Creative Class for true, meaningful connections with like minded people of all stripes. While catching up with Ben for this week's 3 Questions, he hinted that we might expect to see Common House in Richmond very soon, which we are very excited about.
If you weren't an owner of Common House, what would you be doing?
A few years ago, I helped start a distillery, Old Line Spirits, in Baltimore with a classmate from business school. While I ultimately chose to pursue a different entrepreneurial endeavor, I loved watching Old Line grow. Making and selling whiskey every day wouldn't have been a bad gig, either.
What advice would you give your 20 year old self?
Start something. Don't give up. Treat your employees like family -- they are your greatest asset.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A long day on the water, preferably fishing, followed by a crab feast with my wife, son, friends, and family. Maybe a night swim in the Bay to cap off the evening.
Find out more about Common House here. Shop Casual Shirts here. Photos by Kate Magee.