This time of year always causes us to pause, to look back at the past year. For our 9 year anniversary as a business, we decided to look a little further back. Specifically, we’d like to share 9 things you might not know about Ledbury. Take a look:

  1. Our signature lowered second button was inspired by the pilot episode of Seinfeld. "The second button is the key button. It literally makes or breaks the shirt". - Jerry Seinfeld
  2. Our first 20 shirts were named for musicians who performed with James Brown. An early best-seller was the Parker Check named for drummer Melvin Parker. Today our shirts are named after top customers.
  3. We have a customer that owns more than 450 Ledbury shirts.
  4. In 9 years we have released over 2,500 individual shirt designs.
  5. Our name came from Ledbury Road in the Notting Hill neighborhood of London, site of the pub where founders Paul and Paul wrote the business plan over a Guinness.
  6. This year we will tailor over 30,000 shirt sleeves (FYI - we provide sleeve shortening for both Dress and Causal Shirts).
  7. We ensure that our buttons will never fall off by putting them through a special process in which they are wrapped in dental floss and heated.
  8. Our very first shirt had a pineapple logo on the cuff. That was a bad idea. Now all of our shirts are proudly logo-free.
  9. Every 5 weeks we teach a Dress For Success Class at a local shelter for men re-entering the workforce. It's one of the most rewarding things that we do.
While both anecdotal and significant things fill this list, we truly are thankful for the support we've had over the years. We don't take for granted what we have been given the opportunity to do here. We wish you a happy holiday, and here's to a great 2019.



Paul & Paul

Graham McNeely